{3a} Aligning Garden Lessons to State Standards
Watch this short video documenting a 3rd Grade lesson in the garden and answer the questions below. * You can also create a Username and Password on the site to log-in and access and download the teaching materials provided.
{3b} Gaining teacher buy-in: Your turn to practice aligning Garden Lessons to State Standards
3b(option 1)
Matching PRESCHOOL Garden lessons to NC Foundations for Early Learning
TASK 1: If you're working with/interested in gardening for early childhood:
Matching PRESCHOOL Garden lessons to NC Foundations for Early Learning
TASK 1: If you're working with/interested in gardening for early childhood:
- examine the NC Foundations for Early Learning and
- identify at least 5 Goals & corresponding Developmental Indicators that would align nicely with garden-based education
TASK 2: Create or find 3-5 garden-based lesson plans that would align to your chosen goal(s) or developmental indicators
assistance, you may view the following resources to use as your
lesson plans or as inspiration to create your own lessons plans:
3b(option 2)
Aligning K-8 Garden lessons to curriculum standards
TASK 1: If you're working with/interested in gardening with K-8:
Aligning K-8 Garden lessons to curriculum standards
TASK 1: If you're working with/interested in gardening with K-8:
- Examine the Common Core and NC State Standards found on the chart below that are relevant to your grade(s) of interest.
- Identify at least 5 Standards from at least 3 different subject areas that would align nicely with garden-based education.
TASK 2: Create or find 3-5 garden-based lesson plans that would align to your chosen goal(s) or developmental indicators
For assistance, you may view the following resources to use as your lesson plans or as inspiration to create your own lessons plans: