Welcome to the Online Garden Coordinator Training Site. This is more than a place for lessons, it is a place to keep up with what the other coordinators are doing, to bring ideas and questions, to leave some information for garden coordinators that come after you, and to learn from one another.
You're here, now what?
We recommend you begin with the Pre- Course Reflection & Assessment. Then take some time to look over the calendar, which should give you a feel for the goals throughout the duration of your term as garden coordinator, and may help you better understand why we have chosen the material and assignments in each Module, which you can look through on the main Modules page. Once you feel familiar with the site, get started on Module 1! Remember to help each other, check frequently for questions from others and post regularly. Creating a community is going to be one of the best ways to remain dedicated throughout the term and will help keep you from feeling overwhelmed.