Reflections from
asu cdc garden
asu cdc garden
November granted us deeper glimpses of the cold months ahead. Despite some snow and icy air, we managed to create space to play and learn in the gardens! Earlier in the month, we planted tulip bulbs for our future fairy garden. In the same day, each child harvested a radish that they were able to take home.
On another occasion in the garden, each child harvested their own special shiitake mushroom! It was a cold day, so the mushrooms were nearly frozen. We brought our harvest inside where Georgia and a volunteer cooked up the mushrooms for the children to try a sample. The children took turns watching the process of how to prepare + cook, and some even volunteered to stir the mushrooms in the pan. Georgia used maple syrup + salt for seasoning because let's be honest, cooked mushrooms aren't very appealing to begin with, especially to a group of preschoolers who would much rather have colorful berries. Nonetheless, every child gave it a try! Most expressed that they did not like the taste, but one expressed that they actually enjoyed the taste. After hearing that mushrooms give you superpowers of strength + well-being, another child finished their plate.